Extendicare Lakefield

From co-op to care: a high school student’s volunteer experience in long-term care

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Extendicare welcomes volunteers of all ages into our long-term care homes across Canada, including high school students who need to complete co-operative (co-op) education placements in their communities before graduation.

We spoke with Emma, a high school student from the District School Board of Niagara who completed her co-op placement at Extendicare St. Catharines, and says, “This was one of the best choices I made in my high school year.”

Emma tells us about her experience volunteering in a long-term care home, how she contributed to the quality care provided to residents and the important lessons she learned from our care team members and the residents she supported. The experience has had a positive impact on Emma’s personal growth and shaped new career goals for her future.

Q: Why did you choose Extendicare St. Catharines for your co-op placement?

Emma: I have always been interested in healthcare, specifically something therapeutic, so when I found out that there was a local long-term care home on the list of possible co-op placements, I was excited.

I learned how to work under pressure. The home is a fast-paced environment with many moving parts and people playing different roles. Working one-to-one with residents, hearing their stories, and being a part of these people’s lives really opened my eyes up to what I want to do for the future. It really helped me figure out who I want to be.

Q: What were your responsibilities and daily activities?

Emma: During my placement, I was able to work in different areas of the home. I had the opportunity to get to know many of the residents. I supported residents on both floors during activities and helped them access and enjoy common spaces. Some of my favourite memories were made on our walks around the community when team members, residents, and volunteers got together as a large group. It was always a great moment to see the whole Extendicare St. Catharines community coming together to enjoy the good weather and great company.

I felt particularly drawn to the recreation programs, especially the word games. It was fun to see the residents so engaged and competitive with each other! I liked leading the programs and seeing everybody so happy participating in activities.

Q: Can you tell us about your experience working alongside the team members at Extendicare St. Catharines?

Emma: The team members welcomed me into their community. They answered my endless questions and provided opportunities to learn about all the different roles and responsibilities in a long-term care home. One of the team members, Lisa, stood out. She was so welcoming and kind and helped me to discover how much passion I now have for this sector. After working in long-term care, I've been thinking about pursuing an education with the goal of becoming a therapeutic aid.

This was one of the best choices I made in my high school years because it really made me see how much more there is to life. The residents at Extendicare St. Catharines reminded me to make the most of my youth and inspired me to push through my personal struggles by displaying their own strength and resilience. They were selfless and kept pushing me forward, telling me that I could do and be better.

Q: What are the biggest learnings you have taken away from your placement? Is there anything you want to share with fellow high school students who are looking for co-op placements?

Emma: One of the biggest takeaways from my experience was an improvement in my confidence. I came into the placement with a fear of public speaking. By the end of my co-op, I felt more confident and was able to speak in front of anyone in the home. The residents helped me find the confidence to share my ideas openly. They were so complimentary and encouraging, and that made it easier for me to open up and feel less insecure.

If was ever able to go back for another co-op, I would do it all again. There's so much to say about my experience there, how much I enjoyed it, and how glad I am that I decided to be a part of such an amazing team. It's not an easy job and it does get difficult some days, but it's nice to know that you can make someone’s life a little bit better with even the smallest gestures, and by being yourself.

Are you interested in volunteering at an Extendicare home near you?

Contact the Extendicare location in your community and ask about applying to become a volunteer. Check Find an Extendicare Location to see the home nearest to you.